Refill or Transfer your prescriptions to LimaRx

At LimaRx Pharmacy, we strive to make the process of refilling or transferring your prescription as easy and seamless as possible. With our user-friendly services, you can conveniently refill your prescription by visiting our pharmacy in person, giving us a call, or using our online prescription refill platform. Our experienced team will handle the necessary steps to ensure a quick and hassle-free process. If you currently have your prescription filled at another pharmacy, our dedicated staff will assist you in transferring your prescription to LimaRx Pharmacy. Simply provide us with the necessary details, and we will take care of the rest, ensuring a smooth transition of your prescription. At LimaRx Pharmacy, we prioritize your convenience and satisfaction, making prescription refills and transfers a simple and efficient experience.

Please select from the two forms below to start the Refill or Transfer processes. One of our pharmacists will reach out to you if we have any questions. 

We're here to answer all your pharmaceutical and medical questions.